This one is closer to the right color and shows my "message center" next to my desk. The basket holds my billing sheet and phone book. The green "message" board is an old tin T.V. tray that I punched a couple of holes in with a hammer and nail and wired to hang. Messages and stuff stay on there with magnets. And then of course there is my white board calendar.
This is directly across from my desk. It's a sitting area for clients. The framed quote is something my mom made. The owls were a gaudy gold color so I spray painted them black. I definitely think I need more touches of green and red in here. The black and yellow is a little stark by itself.
Here's a shot of my desk for an idea on color. It's really nice dark cherry walnut toned. It matches well with the other tones in the office. It's L-shaped. Unfortunately, that's all I have done for decorating in here do far. I have a blank wall behind me, one across from the other side of my desk, and an empty spot on the same side as the message area. I plan on hanging my various diplomas up on one of the walls. I really need to find some artwork that incorporates all the colors I have for the rest, but so far no luck! I may have to come up with something creative and make my own.
Do you have any ideas?
Happy Crafting!